Mr.D.K RAI “Education is a companion whom no misfortune can depose, no crime can destroy and no enemy can enslave”. It is friend in solitude which guides our virtues, broadens our vision and gives grace to genius, without education a man is just slave who perish with time but those who have set goals for themselves and strives to achieve them, do succeed Me as the leader of SDPS fell that children are tiny saplings ,who need to be nurtured with care ,to grow into all trees ,Right direction counseling ,guidance and leadership not only ensue their reaching the destination but also creating landmarks on the pathway of their journey . It is indeed a matter of great pleasure that I have been shouldered with the whole some responsibility of not only building a child’s carrier and character but also the future of the nation .we need to motivate them encourage them ,inspire them and appreciate them for what they do .we hope that we can still in our students the rights values .Hence , my first priority is to ensure that my students must be able to compete in the world with confidence and determination I pray for the success of my students and progress of my institution and wish that they will march ahead always